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Making Progress!

Hey guys! A few updates since its been a few weeks since we've seen each other.


Valentine grams were a success! Everyone got their candy and cute cards just in time for Valentines. No one was injured in the process (at least.. I don't think anyone was..)


We will start a fundraiser throughout the school towards the end of March/April to raise money for more backpacks! And hopefully (we say this all the time but money is tight my friends) we will have collected enough to buy backpacks! Don't quote me on the time span because I don't remember the exact time span but it is towards the end of the month.


TAX CREDIT BECAUSE WE PRACTICALLY FUNCTION ON TAX CREDIT, DONATIONS (mainly the officers begging their parents to dish out money for our little endeavors), AND ANY EARNINGS THROUGH SALES.

I am Nick Viall at this point looking at our account.


Volunteer papers as usual!


Also, if you still want a t-shirt, they are $15 and you will have to talk to Chaelin about that! She has limited sizing so if you are thinking about it now then contact her soon to ensure we have your size!

See you at the next meeting next week!



Hello. You are amazing. You is kind. You is sweet. You are in a position to help others and we are so thankful for that!



You are an amazing human being and no one has the right to tell you that you are not. You rock!



Sometimes your days will be terrible, other days you will feel like you are on top of the world and that's just how life works.

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